The initiation of a blog...

I love analogies.

The God I serve is all about them as well. The Bible is fraught with parables, similes, analogies, word pictures, allegories... all to make us understand His Word and Will better.

I have no idea (or goals for) how often I will be posting the analogies I see and learn...
I am also definitely NOT a writer. I use way too many paranthesis, ellipses, all caps... so please correct my spelling and grammar if need be! ;)

Make comments, challenge me...
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I exist... human, woman, student, blogger.

This morning I was reading in Genesis... a lot of material to meditate on.

"And the Lord appeared to him (Abraham) by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent at the heat of the day..." (ch 18:1)

Imagine this scene. WHAT WAS ABRAHAM DOING? Just chilling in his tent, looking around, maybe being lazy, siesta-ing... whatever. What did they do in general in Bible times? And why/what are we so busy doing!? Seriously. We are such a SMALL piece of God's picture- such little worms- I was thinking about that as I read- what do I spend all my time doing?! We really feel like we have to be doing something to glorify God. We don't even have to be thinking about God to be glorifying him. A married couple can have sex for the glory of God without consciously thinking that the act is currently glorifying God and worshipping Him. Just by enjoying eachother and doing something God created them to do. I can work or walk or lay on a blanket outside and watch the clouds go by to the glory of God even if Im not meditating on the awesome fact that He created them. I think sometimes we attribute works or try to think up ways that we are glorifying God in our daily lives. Like I CAN do this for the glory of God IF while Im doing it I am consciously thinking about Him and worshipping him while I do it. In actuality our very LIFE and existence glorifies our creator. Just because He made us...

"For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.”

"So Paul teaches us that Jesus Christ created all that is. They were created through him. All that came into being exists for Christ—that is, it exists to display the greatness of Christ. Nothing—nothing!—in the universe exists for its own sake. Everything from the bottom of the oceans to the top of the mountains, from smallest particle to the biggest star, from the most boring school subject to the most fascinating science, from the ugliest cockroach to the most beautiful human, from the greatest saint to the most wicked genocidal dictator—everything that exists, exists to make the greatness of Christ more fully known" -John Piper

Also really thought about Abraham's intercession for Sodom and what that teaches me about the character of God. I don't know. Im not going to look it up for an immediate answer either. Lord reveal to me slowly as I meditate and ponder on the application of that Scripture. But it is just interesting to note Abraham's fear as he approaches God. He pleads- O let not the Lord be angry! Several times- and each time the Lord responds with grace and SIMPLICITY. Does not even acknowledge Abraham's fear- just answers his requests with the answer I will not destroy it. I see God so constant and steady here- so good! I don't even really see how people can get confused at God changing his mind- God never even declares He is going to destory the city before Abraham starts interceeding... And this is BEFORE our great intercessor and the promise of Hebrews 4:16. How much more so can we come to Him? Sigh. AMEN. BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE YOU LORD!


A few side notes just from my day I really feel a strong desire to learn more about Israel and the MYSTERY regarding the people of God- his covenant, the history, the prophecy...
Another FYI. I love being a girl and femininity, long hair... Thankful to be a woman.
ALSO thankful to see growth in my own theology as I post and the Holy Spirit reveals things to me little by little. I love blogging. I wonder how many of my posts are "off" so to speak... Lord may your Holy Spirit be my teacher. Thank you for your marvelous word and for the gift of life and breath. May we learn how to abide and dwell in futility, existing for your glory!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy 2009!

WOW. Its intimidating to commence the first post of 2009... its gotta be good right? Deep? Profound? Significant?

HENCE I am just getting it over with by posting some good quotes from some neat men... and then I can revert back to my less articulate musings. ;) Thankful to be able to blog.

"Sin is despair, for sin is not the wildness of flesh and blood, but it is the spirit's consent thereto."
-Soren Kierkegaard

"You will never become what you are not becoming." -Harvey Hartman

"The point of having an open mind, like having an open mouth, is to close it on something solid." -G. K. Chesterton