The initiation of a blog...

I love analogies.

The God I serve is all about them as well. The Bible is fraught with parables, similes, analogies, word pictures, allegories... all to make us understand His Word and Will better.

I have no idea (or goals for) how often I will be posting the analogies I see and learn...
I am also definitely NOT a writer. I use way too many paranthesis, ellipses, all caps... so please correct my spelling and grammar if need be! ;)

Make comments, challenge me...
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Commencing Studying Isaiah...

Isaiah 1- God's Merciful Judgement

In our sin- we are ENEMIES and FOES of God- and he will discipline us for our own good and purification! (see vs 24-26)

"Therefore the Lord, the Lord almighty, the Mighty on of Israel declares: AH, I wll get relief from my FOES and avenge myself on my enemies (24). I will turn my hand against YOU (Israel, my children) and I will thouroughly purge away your dross and remove your impurities (25). I will restore your judges as days of old, your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City."

He also says earlier-

"Your hands are filled with blood! WASH YOURSELF and make YOURSELF clean."

Utterly impossible- can bloodstains be removed out of white things? Even with bleach? Two verses down he says:

"Come- let us REASON together. Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be white as snow. Though they are like crimson, they shall be as wool."

Crimson and Scarlet, two uncleansable fast colors- US before a Holy and Righteous God, the HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. Only cleansed through the precious blood of Jesus- the glorious gospel! AMEN.

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