The initiation of a blog...

I love analogies.

The God I serve is all about them as well. The Bible is fraught with parables, similes, analogies, word pictures, allegories... all to make us understand His Word and Will better.

I have no idea (or goals for) how often I will be posting the analogies I see and learn...
I am also definitely NOT a writer. I use way too many paranthesis, ellipses, all caps... so please correct my spelling and grammar if need be! ;)

Make comments, challenge me...
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Idols of My Heart

John Calvin says- "The human heart is an idol factory." We were made to worship!

Jeremiah 4:10-13 says- "My people have committed 2 sins. They have forsaken me, the fountain of pure water, and dug for themselves broken cisterns that cannot hold any water at all."

So many times we look to other things apart from Christ for our satisfaction and joy. The temporal is so tempting. So many times we buy the lie that this will fill us and bring us the happiness we long for.

Its interesting how all the idols are similar for most of us. I feel like most of mine are very common to most WOMEN in this culture. These are not on the throne of my life- God is! Glory to Him- but they do raise their head at times to try and usurp his authority, rule, and throne. They want my heart, they want my affection, my time, and my satisfaction.
Some of the things that I personally need to be on guard against from becoming idols in my life:

Physical Appearance/Beauty- Especially in my family- this is a huge priority among the women and very emphasized by my mom, sister, grandma, etc. I wonder if its in the Jewish identity...)

Exercise- Most people have to discipline themselves to exercise... I have to discipline myself NOT to exercise... I would rather spend my time training for a triathlon than using my time some other way. I truly love it, my mind loves it, and my body loves it. One day- prescription of it will be the basis of my career... Its good for me, but I really need to make sure that it is a form of rest that recharges me and helps me love God more and serve Him better.)

Food- YUM. May this be a pleasure that causes me to love and appreciate God more... not a pleasure in the sake of it, as an end in itself.

Shopping/Clothes/Money- Yes. I can enjoy shopping for the glory of God- IF I have the money... ;) The Lord is really working on me here. I remember as a child getting a horrific haircut a few days before I was supposed to start at a brand new school in the 9th grade... I was balling and my mom took me shopping 'because it makes everything better.' (not to in any way blame my precious and most amazing mother!) Now what happens if I have a bad day? Is my refuge in the storm going shopping, or is it Jesus Christ?

Sleep- I love getting 8 hours of sleep... ;) Praise God he made us to rest AND that I have a gift of being ABLE to fall asleep and sleep when most people cannot. But may I not neglect things or be lazy or avoid facing things by sleeping instead.

Independence/Autonomy- This is a HUGE one for me... and why marriage scares me so bad. I like to go where I want, do what I want, when I want to do it. I like that my time is my own and I can somewhat control it. It can really be the epitome of selfishness.

Relational Intimacy/Connectedness- This can be with a man/desire for marriage, or just in relationships with people. I have a really high value on communicating with people and I really value deep close friendship and relationships. What a great gift! But if I don't have it, what then? Can I rejoice not in this, but that my name is written in the lamb's book of life?

FUN- This is another one I think I struggle with more than most. I really value having fun. God made me with personality and a love for laughter and a good time. This also really runs in my family. No one can throw a better party than my sister... we love it. I love enjoying life. What happens when you get in the way of me having fun? When serving you is infringing on my good time? When you aren't entertaining me or making me laugh?? Will I grumble? Will I seek someone elses company? Go on to the next best thing? Find something more fun- the next big thrill?

Glory to God- these are all good things!!! I worship him for these things! I thank him for them. It would be ludicrous to try and say they are bad. But....
"When a good thing becomes a God thing- It becomes a bad thing."
Lord- by your grace ALONE may I thank you for these things but not worship them. May I see them as gifts and not needs. May they be considered loss for the surpassing greatness of knowing you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I take it from you post that you listened to Mark Driscoll's conference message. I'm still uncertain about Driscoll; there appears to be a huge disconnect in some of his messages. But I was truly blessed, and at the same time devastated (John Piper nailed it) by his message on idolatry. I have also found plenty of personal application in his challenge.