In no particular order... if I had none of them except God himself I would have enough to keep me singing, praising, worshipping, blogging with gratitude for the rest of my life
1. Religious freedom. This is something that I am profoundly unaware of most of the time and I really take it for granted. I just found out recently that a bracelet I have been wearing that says 'Pray for China'... if a Chinese person is caught wearing it, they are arrested! I honestly cannot even fathom that. Lord. THANK YOU! May we USE this freedom to proclaim you more boldly, rather than an excuse to be less on fire for you. Thank you for persecution in China and for growing the church there way more than the church in America! Accomplish your sovereign work God!
2. HEAT, a home, a sweet big bed, and an amazing Godly roommate. Lord thank you for providing above and beyond my needs and blessing me with blessing upon blessing from the fulness of your grace! (John 1:16)
3. The best FRIENDS and support system. O man! This is such a gift!!! Lord thank you for placing people in my life to 'do life' with! Lord you have created us to love companionship and I thank you for filling this desire in my life. God that my parents are still alive! I honestly could not have made it in life without them. For people who will sharpen me and speak truth into my life and give me Godly counsel. Who will encourage me and point me to the Word. Who will enjoy laughter with me and levity and merrymaking... ;) For a CHURCH and the other parts of my body who are faithful to the commands of Scripture and have consciences that are sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
4. PT School. Can you BELIEVE this is on the list? This is one of the biggest gifts my Father has ever given me. I really am so thankful for it and so ashamed to say it because of my behavior and actions! Its like saying- O I am so thankful for this gift you gave me but I hate this about it... and I hate the way you wrapped it- and did you have to give it to me now? And what about the color- can we change that? UGH. I'll look at it later.
5. Jordan. This man the Lord has brought in my life... I honestly don't know what will happen or how things will work out. But I am so challenged by him! I am beyond amazed that I get to date and serve alongside someone this cool. His passion for the Lord truly inspires me, sharpens me, and edifies me. I have had more opportunites to share the gospel in the 3 months I have been talking to him then in the whole year leading up to it. And he is handsome and hysterical at the same time! ;) Also just the fact of dating in general is a cool privilege I am thankful for. I am learning a lot and experiencing a lot of things I never have before... exposed to emotions, selfishness, communication. All a part of the Lord's plan to grow me up into the daughter He wants me to be!
6. Opportunities to exercise discernment and wisdom. This kind of goes hand in hand with number 5. And all of life! I am so thankful for this Lord! Thank you so much for leaving some things unknown! For not telling us how to walk and move every single step of the way! For giving us choices to make! And the freedom to disobey! For circumstances and signs in life- for confusions, things that throw us off that cause us to seek your face and make us use our brains and act out of the wisdom you have given us! I pray to be wise and then hate the opportunities I get to practice! THANK YOU MY ALL WISE GOD!
7. The Word of God. Kind of a lead off as well from the previous one. My guidebook! Thank you so much for it Lord! I value it so much and help me to value it even more! What a gift! Without it we would be so lost- you have chosen out of all mediums to reveal yourself through the written Word...
8. Christs death on the cross. The point of all of Scripture... God's plan from the beginning of creation- My romantic Lord created me to redeem me! Thank you for providing a way for us to be in relationship with you! Knowing you is the greatest gift we could ever be given. Thank you for giving us your Son, a Savior, an advocate! "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!!" AMEN!!!
9. My legs. My body in general really. Health... MOVEMENT basically though. I love walking! Thank you God for giving me legs to carry me around. That I can walk around and see your creation and get exercise. For muscles, muscle fibers, CELLS, SENSATION.... For hands to type this entry! Ears to hear an alarm clock in the morning. A mouth to speak and sing. For TEETH to smile and take care of... A stomach to digest food to have strength and energy to move... For a back to carry a bookbag! For giving me the biggest hair of anyone I know. ;) For eyes to take in the glory of creation around me...
10. Mountains, beauty, and splendor. O GOD!!! I love the things you have made. Thank you for aesthetics! For attractivness. For creativity. I love to appreciate beauty- may I attribute it ALL to you. Thank you for creating mountains, canyons, and things to humble us and remind us of our lowly estate before you! Thank you for allowing me to climb up them and shout from the tops of them! Thank you for creating the leaves to change color- the SUN to shine faithfully... the sea to churn and the life that swims inside of it. For animals big and small. For fur and hair and slimy slugs. For texture and color! Lord your attributes are everywhere! Your testimony is everywhere- thank you for the analogies and picture that your creation is!
"For every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of Heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:16
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer." 1 Tim 4:4
LORD! Thank you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! MAN. What evils in me cannot coexist with a thankful heart. May I bring you praises constantly- always and forever precious Lord!
The initiation of a blog...
I love analogies.
The God I serve is all about them as well. The Bible is fraught with parables, similes, analogies, word pictures, allegories... all to make us understand His Word and Will better.
I have no idea (or goals for) how often I will be posting the analogies I see and learn...
I am also definitely NOT a writer. I use way too many paranthesis, ellipses, all caps... so please correct my spelling and grammar if need be! ;)
Make comments, challenge me...
Thanks for reading!
The God I serve is all about them as well. The Bible is fraught with parables, similes, analogies, word pictures, allegories... all to make us understand His Word and Will better.
I have no idea (or goals for) how often I will be posting the analogies I see and learn...
I am also definitely NOT a writer. I use way too many paranthesis, ellipses, all caps... so please correct my spelling and grammar if need be! ;)
Make comments, challenge me...
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happiness can not always equal love
So I have made friends with a lovely homeless lady named Linda. She is great and Im glad I have gotten to know her. She has quickly become dear to me and I really want good for her- I want her to REALLY know the Lord! I want her to get a job... I want her to find joy.
Its funny because she really loves Cigarettes... she tries to space em out and get a pack every 3-4 days. Its funny to hear her talk about them and they really bring her a lot of pleasure. The last time I saw her I asked her what kind of cigarettes she liked... (Newport 100s) trying to think to myself- is this a gift I could bring her to show her love? The Bible does not say that smoking a cigarette is a sin...
My wise boyfriend looked at me like I had grown a third head when I mentioned that I had contemplated buying her cigarettes and that it might be a moral dilemma... how on earth could I give her something that she is finding her joy in or fulfilling an addiction!? (wow Vanesa.)
I told Linda that I wanted what was best for her and it wouldn't be loving for me to give her something that could kill her! It also wouldn't be loving for me to give her something to find peace in apart from Jesus Christ.
I think its the same when a wife has a husband who has an addiction to food and loves to overindulge... and she just goes ahead and fixes him whatever he wants because she would rather see him happy. That cannot be 1 Corinthians love... desiring what is best for the other person above their comfort. So hard though I know! Its so tempting to pray for ease and comfort for the people you love instead of praying God to conform them into His likeness. I am so glad for a Father whos PERFECT love always chooses what is best for me, regardless of my opinion on the issue... Lord always answer my prayers according to your unfailing love!!!!
Its funny because she really loves Cigarettes... she tries to space em out and get a pack every 3-4 days. Its funny to hear her talk about them and they really bring her a lot of pleasure. The last time I saw her I asked her what kind of cigarettes she liked... (Newport 100s) trying to think to myself- is this a gift I could bring her to show her love? The Bible does not say that smoking a cigarette is a sin...
My wise boyfriend looked at me like I had grown a third head when I mentioned that I had contemplated buying her cigarettes and that it might be a moral dilemma... how on earth could I give her something that she is finding her joy in or fulfilling an addiction!? (wow Vanesa.)
I told Linda that I wanted what was best for her and it wouldn't be loving for me to give her something that could kill her! It also wouldn't be loving for me to give her something to find peace in apart from Jesus Christ.
I think its the same when a wife has a husband who has an addiction to food and loves to overindulge... and she just goes ahead and fixes him whatever he wants because she would rather see him happy. That cannot be 1 Corinthians love... desiring what is best for the other person above their comfort. So hard though I know! Its so tempting to pray for ease and comfort for the people you love instead of praying God to conform them into His likeness. I am so glad for a Father whos PERFECT love always chooses what is best for me, regardless of my opinion on the issue... Lord always answer my prayers according to your unfailing love!!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Psalm 62:9
"Those of low estate are but a breath; those of high estate are a delusion; in the balances they go up; they are together lighter than a breath."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Man is not ultimate, God is
This has been a tough day for me mentally. 99% of my battles are internal.
This morning I got up to go feed the homeless @ Monroe Park. Such a privilege to serve them! Really is. I am thankful for the ministry and the hearts of those involved.
This morning I talked to one gentleman named Ron with the most piercing blue eyes... got to pray with him too (Side note- I LOVE the bridge that prayer is. I have never ever heard anyone turn down your prayers. Such a door!) But all day since I have really been struggling and I am not totally sure why. Ron said he was really struggling believing in God and wondering why he had been given such hard circumstances.
I cannot imagine. Lord why have I been blessed so?
Actually forgive me for ever asking you why. May I trust you implicitly for everything with a child like faith!
My sweet friend prayed the other day, God thank you for creating us with needs so that you can fill them! AMEN. How beautiful is that? God thank you for creating me with desires so that you can satisfy them! And desires and needs that are PHYSICAL as well as spiritual.... I don't think its unspiritual to have needs apart from God that are filled apart from God. (Ie... the need for shelter. Yes He is my shelter in the storm, my refuge, but at the same time... I do need actual protection from the elements! This is not an unspiritual notion...) YES the Lord has created me to desire a man... or the desire for physical affection and yes I can be totally satisfied without one and he can meet my needs completely. He can also bless me with literal physical affection and satisfy me through my spouse (Prov 5:19)
Thank you great God for allowing me to experience cold so I can praise you for heat! Thank you for the temporary. Lord I have not been homeless but thank you for the experience of tent sleeping to appreciate a bed. Thank you for allowing me to experience hunger so I can praise you for food! For allowing me to experience lonliness so I can truly thank you for fellowship. Thank you for allowing me to experience times of darkness and drought so I may understand truly how to cherish your presence.
Ron I can only give you a very elementary explanation for the God of the universe and how he chooses to work. I can't tell you why you have experienced hard times, except so that my God can get even more glory through the process if you trust in Him!
GOD YOU ARE GOOD. You are Sovereign. Your ends will prevail and your purposes will stand. May you be praised among all the earth! May my life be a fragrant offering to you! May I not be hardened by circumstances EVER... no matter what my life will bring. I have NO idea what rocks lie in my path but nothing will surprise you My Savior and My God!
"The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made." -Psalm 145
This morning I got up to go feed the homeless @ Monroe Park. Such a privilege to serve them! Really is. I am thankful for the ministry and the hearts of those involved.
This morning I talked to one gentleman named Ron with the most piercing blue eyes... got to pray with him too (Side note- I LOVE the bridge that prayer is. I have never ever heard anyone turn down your prayers. Such a door!) But all day since I have really been struggling and I am not totally sure why. Ron said he was really struggling believing in God and wondering why he had been given such hard circumstances.
I cannot imagine. Lord why have I been blessed so?
Actually forgive me for ever asking you why. May I trust you implicitly for everything with a child like faith!
My sweet friend prayed the other day, God thank you for creating us with needs so that you can fill them! AMEN. How beautiful is that? God thank you for creating me with desires so that you can satisfy them! And desires and needs that are PHYSICAL as well as spiritual.... I don't think its unspiritual to have needs apart from God that are filled apart from God. (Ie... the need for shelter. Yes He is my shelter in the storm, my refuge, but at the same time... I do need actual protection from the elements! This is not an unspiritual notion...) YES the Lord has created me to desire a man... or the desire for physical affection and yes I can be totally satisfied without one and he can meet my needs completely. He can also bless me with literal physical affection and satisfy me through my spouse (Prov 5:19)
Thank you great God for allowing me to experience cold so I can praise you for heat! Thank you for the temporary. Lord I have not been homeless but thank you for the experience of tent sleeping to appreciate a bed. Thank you for allowing me to experience hunger so I can praise you for food! For allowing me to experience lonliness so I can truly thank you for fellowship. Thank you for allowing me to experience times of darkness and drought so I may understand truly how to cherish your presence.
Ron I can only give you a very elementary explanation for the God of the universe and how he chooses to work. I can't tell you why you have experienced hard times, except so that my God can get even more glory through the process if you trust in Him!
GOD YOU ARE GOOD. You are Sovereign. Your ends will prevail and your purposes will stand. May you be praised among all the earth! May my life be a fragrant offering to you! May I not be hardened by circumstances EVER... no matter what my life will bring. I have NO idea what rocks lie in my path but nothing will surprise you My Savior and My God!
"The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made." -Psalm 145
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Light in Darkness

This past weekend I went to the Grand Caverns in Staunton VA... and I enjoyed it a lot. It was just neat to be under the earth and see how the Lord has created things there.
I also learned that if I would stay down in the caverns for merely two weeks I would go blind for life! It is truly dark down there... no light whatsoever. Your eyes simply get so accustomed to darkness that you are no longer able to see the light! O man that is powerful! And it happens so fast!
Lord- may I be so filled with your light that I radiate to others. Never allow my light to dim or burn out. Lord may you flood light over the dark places of my life that I want to conceal from you. Send forth your light and your truth and lead me in the way everlasting!
"But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" -Matthew 6:23
The first post of November!
O November... what a month! Thank you Lord for your many gifts and how you are shaping me.
Psalm 37:23
"The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way."
Either one is just beautiful.
Good morning all! Love you.
Psalm 37:23
"The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way."
Either one is just beautiful.
Good morning all! Love you.
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