The initiation of a blog...

I love analogies.

The God I serve is all about them as well. The Bible is fraught with parables, similes, analogies, word pictures, allegories... all to make us understand His Word and Will better.

I have no idea (or goals for) how often I will be posting the analogies I see and learn...
I am also definitely NOT a writer. I use way too many paranthesis, ellipses, all caps... so please correct my spelling and grammar if need be! ;)

Make comments, challenge me...
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Racing in my own lane

"We will not boast beyond measure but within the limits of the sphere that God appointed...." (2 Cor 10:13)

Pastor Rodney Finch expounded this verse by explaining that this could be referring to a familiar analogy of the time. The Corinthians loved the races... and held all the famous games in Corinth. Limits of the sphere likely refers to the lanes alloted for the runners of the race. Paul is saying- I am running in my own lane and not someone elses. And the lane that I am running in is appointed by God.
I am focused on my own calling and my sphere of influence.

Vanesa- this person is doing this and this person is doing that... GREAT! ;)
But I need to be focused on my sphere of influence and run in my own lane!
A lot of times when you look outside your running lane- you fall... or in swimming races- when you look to see how your competitor is doing, you lose time.
Lord remind me to work on what you have annointed and called me to do.

"When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves they are not wise." -2 Corinthians 10:12

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I love this post. It reminds me of Psalm 16:5-6:

"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

-The boundary them. I like to think of old-school property lines when I read this verse. We can't live in the past or rush ahead into the future. God has us right where he wants us. Love it.

Thanks V. I needed a reminder.