The initiation of a blog...

I love analogies.

The God I serve is all about them as well. The Bible is fraught with parables, similes, analogies, word pictures, allegories... all to make us understand His Word and Will better.

I have no idea (or goals for) how often I will be posting the analogies I see and learn...
I am also definitely NOT a writer. I use way too many paranthesis, ellipses, all caps... so please correct my spelling and grammar if need be! ;)

Make comments, challenge me...
Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Don't you just love the COUNTLESS decisions we are faced with each day?
Usually to come to a conclusion based on what we want...

Today while driving I was simply contemplating the myriad of decisions one can make regarding getting teeth cleaned. ;) HA. Seriously- oh the abundance of good choices!

Think about it- first option, getting my teeth cleaned by the dentist in the church. Helping a local brother- Christians helping fellow body members! The priority of Galatians 6:10.

Option B? Seeking a non-believing dentist in hopes of building consistency and relationship with an unbeliever you would not normally have been introduced to. This is something that you have to spend time on anyways, capitalizing the time and following the Matthew 28 call to share the good news!

Choice #3- Picking the dentist who is the cheapest in town (or the closest location to me?) so I can follow his command to be the best steward of the resources he has given me, and use them on other noble things. Giving the saved $50 to missions or a homeless man?

DUDE I could even throw in a 4th- probably the least lofty sounding- but there is also the stewardship of our bodies. That being said, I could say to seek out the very best, most excellent dentist in town would be a wise decision so I can keep my teeth for as long as possible. ;) O man. I love it.

It is difficult being a steward of someone else's resources! Its not my time, my money, my body... CJ Mahaney says "You get the feeling that practicing discernment is a lot of work. It can be, but it's worth the careful deliberation because the goal is lofty- discerning what pleases the Lord."

At the same time- I don't think God made us to truly wrestle over little decisions of life- and I think I could say to CJ's quote that ALL THREE of those teeth cleaning decisions can be honoring to Him and please Him! Hopefully he will lay on my heart which is the most important priority during the current season of life. Or not... ;) Welcome to my mind. I love even just writing this out because it makes me laugh at the ridiculous nature of it. HA. Go ahead and roll your eyes at me.

I say like the prophet Jeremiah- "Ahh Sovereign Lord..." May I have the wisdom to decide in faith and peace and be obedient whichever path I take. Give me the grace to live each day for your glory!


Nicole said...

VJ- Thanks for sharing your heart. Totally called my dentist today to set up an appointment. (Had yet to read your post by the way).
I didn't even think about any of those when I set up my dentist...

I was in the midst of pain over my wisdom teeth (Dec) and needed a dentist who took my insurance that had the recommendation of at least one friend.

How does that fit into your equation? :) But I liked your thought pattern.

Rescued by the Lamb said...

hmmm... wow... ok, does thinking too much mean anything (seeing nicole's comment in the context of your blog)?

What about the mention of Children and kids in the Bible and how we are asked to be like them (simple minded) and what about not worrying about what we wear, etc. ?? Another decision... ahhh..

I wonder how one can properly deal with this situation... i guess for some situations u are sort of forced to choose (like this dentist situation), but what if I just put the names in the hat and draw one out? hmmm... that might be a good idea considering that would reduce anxiety and PRIDE over the situation (which, even though is not that eminent, could be on the horizon if we're trying to use our knowledge to make the decision?), and leave it all to God. and when confronted by each individual (esp. the christian bro, u can say "I just drew it out of a hat" to save me some worries. God knows what's going to happen anyway.

BUT, however, i still think that there are situations where OBVIOUS wisdom could be seen to use for discernment and SHOULD be used instead of ignored...

ahhh... so confusing... correct me if I'm wrong... I'm just using carnal thinking in writing this.. :P

Good night Invisible Woman!
